Soybean prices have maintained their bullish momentum into 2022. The March soybean futures contract closed at $15.52 ¼ on February 15, which is up $2.03 ¼ since the start of the year. Numerous factors have propelled prices higher, including drought in South America, global economic recovery, and very strong domestic crush margins. United States domestic soybean crush has been at a record pace and the current crush margin, well above $2.00/bushel, will continue to support domestic soybean prices. Additionally, the current global reserves of soybean’s two primary products – soybean meal and soybean oil – are also very supportive of soybean prices. The three largest producers of soybeans are Brazil, the United States, and Argentina. The largest importer of soybeans is China; however, the rest of the world (ROW) maintains a substantial portion of soybean meal stocks – 46.7% in 2021/22 (Figure 1) and soybean oil 40.4% in 2021/22 (Figure 2).
Since the 2019/20 marketing year, global soybean meal stocks have decreased from 14.54 million metric tons (MMT) to 12.27 MMT, a 15.6% decline in two years. The decrease in soybean meal stocks is largely attributed to declines in Argentina (16.4%) and ROW (27.2%) (Figure 1). Over the same time, global soybean meal consumption has increased from 240.5 MMT to 247.5 MMT. Increasing meal demand and lower meal stocks will continue to support soybean meal and soybean prices.
Figure 1. Global Soybean Meal Stocks by Country, 2006/07-2021/22

Similar to soybean meal, soybean oil also has lower stocks compared to recent years. USDA projects global soybean oil stocks at 3.719 MMT, down 22.4% compared to the 2019/20 marketing year (Figure 2). Soybean oil stocks have dropped 50.6% for Argentina, 34.2% for ROW, and 23.1% for China. Global soybean oil consumption has increased from 57.2 MMT, in the 2019/20 marketing year, to 60.2 MMT projected for the 2021/22 marketing year. Lower soybean oil stocks and increased demand will continue to support high soybean oil and soybean prices.
Figure 2. Global Soybean Oil Stocks by Country, 2006/07-2021/22

A great deal of uncertainty continues to be prevalent in the soybean complex. However, there are numerous reasons to be cautiously optimistic that high soybean prices will continue in 2022. Low stocks of soybean oil and meal are one of the factors that will be supportive for soybean prices.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agriculture Services (USDA FAS). 2022. Production, Supply, and Distribution (PSD). Accessed online at:
Smith, S. Aaron. “Soybean Meal and Oil Stocks Supportive for High Soybean Prices“. Southern Ag Today 2(9.1). February 21, 2022. Permalink