As the soybean harvest ends in the United States, it is time for the markets to look to the Southern Hemisphere. Brazil is currently the top soybean producer and exporter in the world and, thus, a significant competitor of the United States in the global export market. Since Brazil is in the Southern Hemisphere, the soybean growing season is opposite that of the United States. In general, soybean planting occurs from October to December, followed by a growth stage in January and February, and harvest in March through June. The timing of production will vary by region. The four largest contributors to soybean production in Brazil are Mato Grosso (28%), Parana (19%), Rio Grande do Sul (14%), and Goias (10%). The development of the Brazilian soybean crop over the coming months will influence any potential spring price rallies.
Brazil is projected to produce a record 5.58 billion bushels of soybeans (Figure 1), which is 9% higher than their current record from 2020/21. Last year’s soybean crop was initially expected to result in record production, but dry conditions ultimately dampened production to 4.67 billion bushels. Planting was able to start earlier than normal this year, and Brazil is projected to plant 105.8 million acres. Growing conditions currently appear better than last year, with most major growing areas in Brazil receiving adequate rainfall. There is some concern about dry and hot weather in the south of Brazil that could impact production if it continues. Brazilian yield is projected at 52.6 bushels per acre compared to the U.S. yield of 50.2 bushels per acre.
Since 2012, Brazil has consistently been the largest soybean exporter overtaking the United States. Brazil has, on average, accounted for 51% of world soybean exports over the last five years, and the U.S. averaged 35% of world exports over the same period. In 2022/23, Brazil is projected to export a record 3.29 billion bushels. This projection is based on a sizeable available supply and a favorable exchange rate for the Brazilian real. Brazil is also projected to have a record-high domestic crush of 1.90 billion bushels driven by ample supplies and high demand for soybean products.
Weather over the coming months will be critical to Brazil meeting these record production and export projections. As seen last spring, soybean markets responded to production difficulties in Brazil with a price rally through January and February. World soybean ending stocks were at a six-year low coming out of the 2021/22 crop year. With strong global soybean demand, the development of dry conditions in Brazil could lead to a strong rally this spring. On the other hand, if record production is achieved U.S. prices are likely to fall. U.S. producers must keep an eye on Brazil and be prepared to take advantage of marketing opportunities.
Figure 1. Brazil Soybean Production, Exports, Crush, and Ending Stocks: 2000-2022

* 2022/23 Projections

Author: William E. Maples
Assistant Professor and Extension Economist
Department of Agricultural Economics
Mississippi State University
Maples, William E.. “What to Expect from Brazil’s Soybean Crop?” Southern Ag Today 2(52.1). December 19, 2022. Permalink