Trusted Insight and Analysis
Southern Ag Today provides daily peer-reviewed articles focused on issues impacting Southern agriculture. It is a collaborative effort among 13 universities led by the Southern Extension Economics Committee, the Agricultural and Food Policy Center at Texas A&M, and the Southern Risk Management Education Center at the University of Arkansas.
Our Leadership Team
Project Coordinators
Topic Area Coordinators

Our Process
All article submissions are peer reviewed before publication. If you are interested in submitting an article, reach out to the appropriate Topic Area Coordinator (TAC) for available publishing dates. Articles are submitted to the appropriate TAC for initial review. Once the TAC and author agree on edits, the TAC will send it to the leadership team for final review and approval. All authors must be employed by an academic institution, and at least one author/co-author must be from the Southern region*. Additional details about the submission process are available as pdf or MS Word.
*Southern Region States include Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Alabama, Virginia, Georgia, Kentucky, Florida, and Maryland.