With tax season in full swing, knowing how to properly report crop insurance premiums and indemnities is important to ensure accurate tax reporting. Many producers have CPAs or accounting firms that manage their finances and taxes. However, understanding how to report crop insurance proceeds is a great on-farm skill when maintaining accurate financial records.
The Schedule F, “Profit and Loss from Farming,” is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form that allows producers to report net profit (or losses) from their agricultural production (IRS, 2022). The Schedule F shows income and expenses pertaining to principal farming activities, such as grain and livestock sold, any income from cooperatives, program payments, and federal crop insurance distributions. Crop insurance proceeds (or indemnities) must be included on a Schedule F as farm income regardless of how much proceeds a producer receives to cover the producer premium. Importantly, crop insurance proceeds can be reported in several ways depending on when you sell your grain.
- Reporting crop insurance indemnities – not deferred
Assume a producer received $50,000 in crop insurance indemnities this year and would receive a 1099-MISC form from the crop insurance company confirming that indemnity amount. The producer’s normal business practice is to sell their crop in the same year as production (i.e., crops produced in 2023 are sold in 2023). Therefore, the producer must report the indemnity on the tax return for the year the crop was sold and produced. The $50,000 indemnity would be reported on lines 6a and 6b.
Figure 1. Reporting a $50,000 Crop Insurance Indemnity

- Reporting crop insurance indemnities – deferred
Again, assume a producer received $50,000 in crop insurance indemnities this year. However, the producer normally reports income from crops in a following tax year under their normal business practices. Therefore, the producer can defer the crop insurance indemnities to next year. The $50,000 would again be reported on line 6a. But now, the producer checks the box on line 6c to defer the indemnity until next year (Figure 2). To defer, a producer must submit a statement containing 1) producer’s name and address, 2) declaration that the producer is making the deferral, 3) identifying crop and damage information, 4) declaration that crop income is normally included in the following year, and 5) name of the insurance carrier. For more information on how to compile this statement, please consult a tax professional.
Now, let’s assume the producer deferred a $30,000 indemnity in 2022 and must report it on their 2023 taxes (Figure 3). The producer would follow Figure 2 and then report the $30,000 on line 6d.
Figure 2. Deferring a $50,000 Crop Insurance Indemnity

Figure 3. Reporting a Deferred Crop Insurance Indemnity from 2022

- Reporting crop insurance premiums
Lastly, the premium paid is reported as expense on the Schedule F. The full amount of premium paid must be reported regardless of how much indemnities cover the premium cost. In this case, premiums reduce Schedule F profit and lessens the tax burden on their farming enterprise. Assume a producer paid a total of $40,000 in premiums for 2023, they would report this amount on Schedule F, Part II, line 20, effectively reducing taxable Schedule F profit by $40,000.
Figure 4. Reporting a $40,000 Crop Insurance Premium

It’s worth noting that we are not tax accountants, and every farm’s situation is unique. Therefore, you should always consult with a tax professional when preparing your farm’s taxes.
Internal Revenue Service. (2023, July 13). About Schedule F (Form 1040), Profit or Loss From Farming. Retrieved September 25, 2023, from https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-schedule-f-form-1040.
Loy, R. and Biram, H.D. (2023). Cultivating Financial Security: A Guide on Farm Finances, Taxes, and Crop Insurance. University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet No. FSA80.
Tidgen, K.A. (2019). Special Rule for Taxing Crop Insurance and Disaster Payments. Iowa State University Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation. Retrieved September 25, 2023, from https://www.calt.iastate.edu/blogpost/special-rule-taxing-crop-insurance-and-disaster-payments.
Loy, Ryan, and Hunter Biram. “Tax Reporting for Crop Insurance.” Southern Ag Today 4(11.3). March 13, 2024. Permalink